Our 1Europe project was funded among the first European University pilots selected by the European Commission in June 2019. The pilot set out to establish a Europe-wide living lab for testing and scaling Joint Innovative Formats (JIFs) for education and mobility. Co-funded with an Erasmus+ grant of €5 million for three years and coordinated by KU Leuven, 1Europe marked the first step towards our ambition to create a future-looking European virtual campus, turning the European Higher Education Area into reality.
1Europe provided the impetus to design, test and scale initiatives that contribute to our long-term goals of developing a real European university eco-system or 'virtual campus’. Focusing on the educational dimension, the project aimed to transform teaching and learning to be fit for future challenges. We worked towards providing our students with an interdisciplinary, transnational and inclusive education, in line with the needs of future Europeans. The Student Board was central to 1Europe’s development, making sure that the students' voice is heard.
Una 1Europe we also established Self-Steering Committees, bringing together large international teams of leading academics from different disciplines. In 1Europe, these Self-Steering Committees were responsible for the oversight of our Joint Innovative Formats for education.
The concrete activities of the project included:
- Establishing our Future UniLab, serving as a think tank and delivering recommendations with ground-breaking concepts for the University of the Future;
- Designing, testing and scaling more than 20 new high-quality international curricula, courses and mobility formats, covering four interdisciplinary Focus Areas;
- Developing our international, value-driven, innovative community of students, academic and non-academic experts that is open and inclusive;
- Building communities of practice with the management of Una Europa and educational support services for the construction and expansion of our inter-university campus;
- Developing an open approach to everything that we develop, so that all the formats we develop can be scaled and adapted to the needs of other universities in Europe and the rest of the world.

Envisioning and Delivering our Ambition
Over the past three years, Una Europa academic and professional communities have transcended the boundaries of cultures, languages, institutions and disciplines to develop truly European joint programmes together.
Browse our Annual Report 2020for highlights of the steps and milestones achieved in the first year of the project.
Browse our Annual Report 2021 to discover more about our education and mobility offerings.
Browse our Annual Report 2022 to embark on a voyage to a University of the Future, journeying through the 1Europe project, our achievements, and where we're going next.

" Una Europa is more than a project, it’s an ambition, and a fundamental and necessary ambition for the future. For the future of professors, researchers, administrative people who play a fundamental role, but mainly and above all for students. "
Georges Haddad, President of Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
The European Universities Initiative
The European Universities Initiative is a flagship instrument of the European Education Area. It will enable a new generation of Europeans to cooperate across languages, borders and disciplines, developing a strong European identity. In October 2018, the European Commission launched a first pilot call to test the European Universities model under the Erasmus+ programme. As a result of this first call, 17 Alliances will be receiving a €5million grant each for three years. A second pilot call closed in February 2020 and full programme roll-out is planned under the next Erasmus programme as of 2021.

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