International Massive Open Online Course
Una Europa will develop an international Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). Open to students and the interested public, these will build on contributions from across the Una Europa partners and lead to a joint certificate.
A first pilot course is expected to address the societal impact of Artificial Intelligence.
As Data Science and AI create many opportunities in all dimensions of our daily lives, they also pose new legal, ethical and political challenges. Our MOOC will respond to this increasing need for more public awareness and understanding of AI.
It will therefore give an introduction to data-driven AI for the layperson, followed by a solution-oriented analysis of political, legal and ethical issues.
The MOOC will serve as a building block for our joint Life Long Learning Certificate in AI, and potentially a future MicroMaster®.
The MOOC in Data Science and AI is one of the Joint Innovative Formats developed under the 1Europe project.
Contact information
Michael Rovatsos
Chair, Una Europa Self-Steering Committee for Data Science & AI