Micro-credential in Sustainability
Co-developed by
Course enrollment instructions differ between courses.
1. Introduction to Sustainability 3 ECTS

The course is free for all students of all Una Europa partner universities, Climate University, and Biodiversity Education Network. For students outside these institutions the study fee is 45 €.
How can I start the course?
Enrollment for the course after completion on the courses.mooc.fi platform!
1. Study the course on the online learning environment courses.mooc.fi
Create a new mooc.fi account or log in (if you have existing mooc.fi
credentials). Una Europa students are required to use their university
domain address (e.g. firstname.lastname@helsinki.fi).
Learning outcomes
After the course, you will be familiar with sustainable development as a political and normative concept, and recognises its ecological, social, economic and cultural dimensions and the connections and conflicts related to them. You will understand that sustainable development and the wicked problems related to it, such as climate change, require multidisciplinary cooperation and problem-solving skills. You will understand the significance of individual agency and global responsibility as well as the need for comprehensive transformation.
Course content
The course consists of the following parts:
- Sustainable development as a concept and in politics
- Ecological sustainability
- Social sustainability
- Economic sustainability
- Cultural sustainability
- Towards a sustainable future
Course completion methods
Quizzes, other small exercises and assignments with peer-review are required to complete the course.
Assessment practices and criteria
The course is assessed as pass/fail.
2. After completion mooc.fi platform will inform you and give you the relevant enrollment information. Please use the correct link to enroll in order to receive your credits from University of Helsinki.
2. Climate.now 2 ECTS

The course is free for all students of all Una Europa partner universities, Climate University, and Biodiversity Education Network. For students outside these institutions the study fee is 30 €.
How can I start the course?
Enrollment for the course after completion on the courses.mooc.fi platform!
1. Study the course on the online learning environment courses.mooc.fi
a new mooc.fi account or log in (if you have existing mooc.fi
credentials). Una Europa students are required to use their university
domain address (e.g. firstname.lastname@helsinki.fi).
Learning outcomes
After studying the course, you will be able to examine climate change from many different perspectives and create connections between them as well as look for solutions to the climate challenge in a variety of ways. You will reflect on your role in climate change and apply what has been learned on the course to your field of study. You will be able to examine different perspectives, solutions, information sources and the current debate on climate change critically.
Course content
Climate change is a multidimensional topic with several cross-disciplinary challenges. The content and learning outcomes of the Climate.now are based on the understanding of
- climate change as a scientific phenomenon
- how it can be prevented (mitigation), and
- how adaptation is possible.
In addition to providing the basic knowledge, another equally important goal is to reinforce your understanding of climate change as a deep human and societal challenge and to give you the means to participate in resolving it.
Course completion methods
You will complete the course by reading the online material, watching the videos, and completing quizzes and other online assignments.
Assessment practices and criteria
The course is assessed as pass/fail.
2. After completion mooc.fi platform will inform you and give you the
relevant enrollment information. Please use the correct link to enroll
in order to receive your credits from University of Helsinki.
3. Biodiversity.now 2 ECTS

The course is free for all students of all Una Europa partner universities, Climate University, and Biodiversity Education Network. For students outside these institutions the study fee is 30 €.
How can I start the course?
Enrollment for the course after completion on the courses.mooc.fi platform!
1. Study the course on the online learning environment courses.mooc.fi
a new mooc.fi account or log in (if you have existing mooc.fi
credentials). Una Europa students are required to use their university
domain address (e.g. firstname.lastname@helsinki.fi).
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, you should be able to:
- recognize reasons for the ongoing biodiversity crisis and its consequences to the human society and personal life
- explore your own connection to nature and diverse values one assigns to it
- recognize a variety of approaches and tools to maintain and enhance biodiversity, and promote sustainable use of biodiversity
- apply expertise from your own field of studies or work and learn how to be part of the solution to the biodiversity crisis
Course content
The course consists of six modules:
- Basic knowledge
- Biodiversity crises
- Threats and consequences
- Biodiversity conservation
- Biodiversity then and now
- Reflection
A diverse group of experts in various fields coming from across Europe highlight the key issues of relevance. The focus is on encouraging you to think about biodiversity from your field perspective and personal interests.
Each module contains short presentations, obligatory and optional reading material and H5P-tasks.
Course completion methods
Completion of the course requires passing the quizzes in their order, as well as completing all H5P-tasks and discussion forum tasks.
Assessment practices and criteria
The course is assessed as pass/fail. Based on the completion of all tasks.
2. After completion mooc.fi platform will inform you and give you the relevant enrollment information. Please use the correct link to enroll in order to receive your credits from University of Helsinki.
4. Political Economy of Sustainability 2 ECTS

PLEASE NOTE: This course is free of charge for degree students
of all Una Europa partner institutions, Climate University Network and
Biodiversity Network. For students outside these institutions there is a
study fee of 30 €.
Study the course at this link.
How can I receive credits?
You may enroll during or after the course to receive credits (2 ECTS) from University of Helsinki. Passed students' info is checked periodically from the learning platform and credits are issued to those who have successfully enrolled and completed the course. Enrollment for credits is separate from course platform.
Enrollment link for students of partner institutions. Free of charge.
Enrollment link for students outside these institutions. 30€ study fee.
Study the course on the online learning environment. Create a new
Copernicus College account or log in (if you have existing Copernicus
College credentials). Una Europa students are required to use their
university domain address (e.g. firstname.lastname@helsinki.fi).
Learning outcomes
After the course, you will understand the mechanisms in which contemporary economic system leads to environmental, social and financial unsustainability. You will be aware of principles and solutions of alternative economic modes, including degrowth and circular economies. You will be able to evaluate critically economic strategies, production structures and governance of businesses and trade in terms of sustainability. You will recognize the methods of analysis and design of sustainable organizations, policies and strategies.
Course content
The MOOC, in English, is articulated in 15 modules/lectures.
Each module includes:
- Three 15 min. video-lectures (45 min. in total)
- Slides and additional materials
- Compulsory and voluntary activities for students
Modules' topics:
- Economics as a science of social provisioning
- Political economy of capitalism – how the system works?
- Challenges – where are we now?
- Social sustainability
- Environmental sustainability
- Economic sustainability
- Global inequalities and impacts
- Existing measures beyond GDP: Happiness and well-being as the main goals of sustainability
- Measurement for sustainability – how to construct indicators? Where to look for data?
- Energy flows and environmental pressure: stylized facts and data sources
- Energy flows and environmental pressure: measurement activities
- Designing sustainable organizations and practices
- State: public policies and regulations
- Grassroots Organizations for Sustainability (unions, governing the commons, cooperatives)
- Future of sustainable economic systems
Course completion methods
You are required to follow the full MOOC and watch all videos. You are required to pass the 15 self-examinations short quizzes at the end of each module, and to complete a final exam (multiple-choice).
Assessment practices and criteria
The course is assessed as pass/fail.
The course assessment is based on multiple choices questions through
which you will show that you are able to identify some of the major
issues discussed by the teachers, as well as prove that you have
memorized some of the information given.
5. Sustainability and the Arts 1 ECTS

The course is free for all
students of all Una Europa partner universities, Climate University, and
Biodiversity Education Network. For students outside these institutions
the study fee is 15 €.
1. How can I start the course?
PLEASE NOTE: This course is free of charge for degree students of all Una Europa partner institutions, Climate University Network and Biodiversity Network. For students outside these institutions there is a study fee of 15 €.
You may enroll at anytime during or after the course to receive credits
(1 ECTS) from University of Helsinki.
Enrollment link for students of partner institutions. Free of charge.
Enrollment link for students outside these institutions. 15€ study fee.
You pay the study fee online as a part of the enrolment process.
Please note that the enrolment is binding.
2. How do I study the course?
Study the course on the learning environment. Create a new BOOK Unibo Open Knowledge account or log in (if you have existing BOOK credentials). Una Europa students are required to use their university domain address (e.g. firstname.lastname@helsinki.fi).
Link to course on Unibo Open Knowledge
Learning outcomes
You will learn about recent artistic responses to issues of sustainability as they have been developed by contemporary visual artists, architects, filmmakers and media professionals, as well as within social movements and activist practices. You will understand the social and political role of images in the ecological crisis and how the arts are more and more involved in developing responses to dominant narratives, or else in developing counter-discourses that might eventually have a deep impact on the collective unconscious and on transnational policies.
Course content
The course is based on an interdisciplinary approach at the crossroads of visual studies, cultural studies, contemporary art history, contemporary architecture history, film and media studies, and political theory.
The MOOC, in English, is articulated in 4 units titled "perceptions", "reactions", "productions", and "solutions". Each unit comprises 4 modules, each tackling an essential aspect of that unit’s central theme from a different disciplinary perspective (visual arts, architecture, cinema/media, political history/theory).
Each module includes:
- A 7-8 minute front-view video-lecture
- 5-8 slides including text, images or short videos
Course completion methods
In order to complete the MOOC you are required to follow the full MOOC, which is articulated into 4 units of 4 modules each. Students will be required to pass the 4 self-examinations tests placed at the end each of the 4 units.
Assessment practices and criteria
The course is assessed as pass/fail.
The course assessment is based on multiple choices questions through which you will show that you are able to identify some of the major issues discussed by the teachers, as well as prove that you have memorized some of the information given.
3. How do I receive my credits (1 ECTS) from University of Helsinki?
Please fill this form ONLY AFTER you have successfully completed the course on Unibo learning platform AND enrolled to the course. Credits will be issued weekly to students who have completed the course, enrolled successfully, and filled the e-form.